The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Vida es Linda
Objetivo General:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Objetivos Especificos:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Grupos de Intereses vinculantes/socios de implementación:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Abordaje Metodológico Implementacion:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Propuesta de monitoreo:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Indicadores propios:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Impacto estimado:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Impacto actual:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Analisis adaptativo (Descripción si incrementó o no la resiliencia):
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
Co-beneficio con la mitigación:
The duration of the course is eight weeks. First three weeks will be devoted to Remote sensing Basics, another three weeks will be focusing on Digital Image Analysis and last two weeks will be for project work.
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Sector Adaptación NDC:
- Salud
Tipo de acción: Iniciativa
Estado: Planificacion
Oficina Nacional de Meteorología (ONAMET)
Warning: Undefined variable $progreso_total in /home2/cambioc/public_html/adaptacion/wp-content/themes/cnccdl-child/single-acciones.php on line 331
No existe ningun registro de avance para este indicador
No existe ningun registro de avance para este indicador